Posted by : Muhammad Syaifullah Jumat, 26 April 2013

Setelah kemaren kemaren share Cheat Ninja Saga Token Permanen ternyata banyak juga yang ngunjungin jadi sekarang Scuiszz-Creation Blog mau share cheat game facebook lagi , gamenya juga lumayan banyak dimaenin orang oke langsung aja diliat tutor cheatnya

Cheat Game Dragon City Hack Hatchery Terbaru 2013
  • Cheat Angine (Google banyak)
  • Browser Mozilla/Chrome
  1. Open Dragon City on Facebook
  2. Run Cheat Engine
  3. Select -plugin_container.exe (for firefox browser), chrome.exe (google chrome browser) or Select FlashPlayerPlugin
  4. Set Value Type to "Text"
  5. Write "eggs" and click scan
  6. Select all addresses
  7. So click on the red arrow button
  8. At the bottom box click 1 adress and then press CTRL+A
  9. Press ENTER key and edit the value to "infinite"
  10. Visit a neighbor and then click on return home and go back.
  11. Now you can add eggs to your hachery either from your inventery or breeding mountain.
  12. Enjoy Dragon City Hack.
With this Dragon City Hack you will be able too add ur usual ammount then it will say your hatchery is full,you just need to visit a neighbour and return home each time you have added an egg.

Sekian dulu postingan saya kali ini tentang Cheat Game Dragon City Hack Hatchery Terbaru 2013 semoga dapat membantu, jika ada pertanyaan silahkan tinggalkan komentar kalian. 

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